Reworking TVL on L2BEAT

That is a very interesting proposal, but it does have some problems associated with it that make it a much harder sell:

  1. As a designer of the system we can think of a distribution of different places in the ranking depending on TVL. But as a user we only see one snapshot of a distribution, which makes it confusing, because there seems to be no apparent logic to one particular snapshot - it was decided by weighted randomness
  2. “This means that a project with 1.5% of all TVL would be at the top of the list 1.5% of the time” - this unfortunately means that even though the solution aims for being fairer, projects currently on the bottom of the list e.g. StarkNet (0.01%) or Aztec (0.13%) have a very low realistic chance of moving anywhere from that spot

If the issue is that projects lower in the ranking aren’t featured enough maybe elevating a single random project (not based on TVL) to the top every day and marking is as “Featured today” would solve this problem.

If the issue is that TVL is too flawed to base the list on, I think that adding more metrics would be a solution and this is something that we’re working on.

I am curious to see what other people think.

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